Can I join the EQC Land class action?

Below is the class definition approved by the High Court in its judgment of 14 December 2023. The class was approved on an opt out basis, meaning all those who meet the definition below are automatically part of the class, unless they opt out.

Class definition

[1] An owner who made a claim to EQC in relation to residential land insured

under s 19 of the Earthquake Commission Act (the Act).

[2] The residential land suffered increased liquefaction vulnerability (ILV)

damage in the Canterbury Earthquake Sequence that commenced on 4 September

2010 and ended on 23 December 2011.

[3] EQC determined the amount of ILV damage to the residential land and/or made

a payment for ILV damage to the residential land to the owner under s 29 of the Act

after 18 July 2016.

[4] EQC quantified the payment (in full or in part) based on alleged diminution

in/of value of the land by the ILV damage.

[5] The cost to reinstate the land to remediate the ILV damage exceeded the

payment in 3 and 4 above.

[6] There is no binding settlement agreement between EQC and the owner in

respect of any ILV damage claim.

Common issue

Whether, when settling a claim for natural disaster damage for residential land under

s 19 of the Act, EQC misused the DOV approach to determine the indemnity value of

claims for ILV damage to residential land, by:

(a) formulating and applying a policy not in accordance with the Earthquake

Commission case and/or the Act in the respects pleaded in the second amended

statement of claim; and

(b) having a strategy to wrongly minimise its payments by using DOV.

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Further information about the claim

If you have questions about this class action, please contact us and one of our team will be in touch with you.